The Spanish society has changed the biblical Jesus by Chango Warlock
The photo that accompanies this text is a screenshot of the newspaper "El Mundo" on 22 December. It can be seen as the most important news of after Christmas El Gordo is A medium 'enlightened' to Alcorcón lotteries.
But that's not all. The importance of this woman must have been as great in the case that the newspaper stands on the cover, just below the caption, Chat with her tomorrow (12am) , devoting a page of advertising in particular, probably free:
And more. When we entered the link in the news (so to speak) we find a video where this woman is the absolute protagonist, to which is added a link to the page of the above.
page where you can read, so, first, this:
Tarot, high black and white magic (made in Haiti and Arabia), Spiritualism, Voodoo, Santeria, palmistry, quirología, astrology, healing, reiki, energy and relaxing massage, regression, first psicomantium Europe, esoteric library, products imported from Qatar, Jordan, Cuba, Haiti, Cameroon ... Come to our store and you can meet in person. Courses also personally with her tarot and magic.
And a little later we see a summary of how to achieve what is intended by this woman:
Within the means we use to redirect the energies to get where we are interested, we have several means, one could be clearly invoking Catholic saints with Catholic rites
The voodoo, the largely unknown and very highly criticized ... For me one of the best-organized religious hierarchy and clear in their rites, and what you can get through it, do not forget that Haiti won a war thanks to the Voodoo religion. That said about talking, the be enforced and what can this cult.
cooperation could also do it through religion Santeria or Yoruba, Santeria is a English word, meaning, worship of saints, is a mixture of mythology and magic-religious practices of the Yorubas of southwestern Nigeria and some beliefs and practices of the Catholic faith.
The third option would be through direct invocations to Allah or God, for Muslims are very specific rites reflected in the Qur'an, which help him intercede for us,
... We can also use
Satanism, bone than through a pact with a devil, subcube, incubus or more, always choose a devil in the hierarchy are more conducive to our problems,
As a fourth option would have the ability to speak with someone dead and ask for help addressed to us
The woman in question should not pass math, because it speaks of 6 options and 4, but in the end. The thing is that it offers magic through Catholic saints, voodoo, Santeria, Allah, Satanism and the dead.
Why write this? Because I find it regrettable that English society has changed real faith in Jesus by faith in witchcraft.
Article In "The World" to which I referred is read also:
to 'ensure' that 'El Gordo' knocking on his door, the owners of the administration placed two altars filled with religious images (Virgen de Guadalupe, Chango and various saints), and pagan elements (a skeleton that represents the Santa Muerte, tarot cards, a rose of Jericho brought the desert ...). Colored candles, empty glasses, and references to the money pile up at the facility.
But, for example, that Chango mentioned in passing that the article "The World" is not a Catholic saint, as the writer seems to believe, but this:
or Shango Chango (in Yoruba, Sang) is one of the deities of the Yoruba religion. ... It is considered the Orisha of thunder, lightning, justice, manhood, dance and fire. Was once a king, warrior and warlock, who accidentally destroyed his home and his wife and children and then became the Orisha. Orisha of justice, dance and manly strength, owner of the drums Bata, wemileres, Ilú Batá or Bembe, dance and music, is the necessity and joy of living, the intensity of life, male beauty, passion, intelligence and wealth.
other words, a completely false god of a completely pagan religion.
We are, therefore, not only to a facility that hires a witch to help him, but before a news organization that publishes the headlines and give it to appear above free advertising on your pages and to people (I fear a lot) who decides to believe in all this, that obviously goes completely against the Christian faith. All dressed
with a clear off because this woman bought the winning number came out, which shows that it was the effect of chance, because if she had known the particular number I would have bought in huge quantities, of course. Not to say how many more treatments were similar and did not sell witchcraft winning numbers and others did not (eg, Barcelona who sold the same number) yes were favored.
Worst of all is to show that English society (at least a good part of it) is turning to witchcraft, putting aside the Jesus of whom the New Testament. In summary, people not wanting to embrace the truth of Christianity is embracing the lie of witchcraft.
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