Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bang Bros Moveis Free

Surveys of this corner: Who will be the socialist candidate? How many communities govern the PP?

was closed and the first survey of this new cycle of this corner. This was the question:

Who do you think the PSOE candidate for the Presidency of the Government?

And these were the results:

Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba
  1. : 18 votes (46%)
  2. Carme Chacón: 14 votes (35%)
  3. José Bono: 3 votes (7%)
  4. José Blanco: 2 votes (5%)
  5. Javier Solana: 2 votes (5%)
Although it was not very busy, out of 39 participants who saw fit to answer the question the majority opinion that the socialist candidate will Rubalcaba, followed very closely by those who think it will Carme Chacón, the other three names being far from the first two.

is underway the next survey, about how many of the 13 regions holding elections get the PP become part of the government (on the basis of which get to keep the 5 that you already have, which no one gets in doubt). The will close on 20 and post the results on day 21.


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