Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tdi Ri Maternity Leave Application

Your pijamero, who only read superhero comics and despise the gafapastas're a geek! and as today is your day I give you this video of "The Lord of the Night" (I refuse to call him the Dark Knight)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Cultural Festival Theme

seaside holidays in

Yes, today May 25 is geek pride day, so today touch frikadas only.
frikadas Love and the Love Boat sets sail at this time geek

Happy geek pride day!!
geeks who are all a bunch of geeks!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

What Is The Smell Of Feminine Arousal

Geek Pride Day of MorriƱa


It was a looooong time since I passed through Santiago and walked the streets, walking through its streets, visiting the cathedral or tapeaba bars free for that time! How I miss it! I have to re

ahhh, and the picture is so cool;)